Posted in Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment, General, Malletts Bay School, Porters Point School, Primer Series, Programs, Union Memorial School

Primer Series: The Title I Program

Have you heard about CSD’s Title I program?

Title I is a remedial math and reading program. As a bit of background information about it, Title I is actually one component of the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act dating back to 1965—a piece of legislation designed by President Lyndon Johnson’s administration to diminish achievement gaps in education. The act emphasizes high standards and accountability as well as equal access to education.

Across the United States, more than 90 percent of school systems receive Title I funding. Although funding is based upon the number of students receiving free and reduced-price meals, CSD’s program is available to any student who needs it as determined by the state’s standardized tests and upon local assessments.

Title I is supplemental and complementary to what students receive in classroom instruction; it is not a substitute or a replacement for reading and math instruction. CSD’s Title I instructors collaborate closely with the classroom teachers in order to provide additional instruction in the particular areas in which the students are already receiving training; instruction is highly synchronized, and Title I offers structured, strategic reinforcement. The program is designed to include classroom teachers, Title I teachers, and parents in the students’ success. The district makes it clear that students involved with CSD’s Title I program do not necessarily have learning disabilities.

The supplemental instruction that the tutors provide in the Title I program centers around research-based teaching methods, and as such, all of CSD’s Title I instructors hold teaching certifications. In fact, the head teachers for Title I at Union Memorial School, Porters Point School, and Malletts Bay School all hold master’s degrees in education in addition to a reading endorsement from the state. All of CSD’s Title I tutors hold bachelor’s degrees.

Depending upon the needs of the student, the Title I curriculum focuses upon some particular concepts. For the reading component, some of those concepts include fluency, comprehension, vocabulary development, reading habits, and so on. Supplemental math components may include such concepts as estimation, computation, problem solving, and the like.

For more information, please visit the websites for the Vermont Department of Education and the US Department of Education.

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